Reviving dead Facebook group? Is it possible?

I have been managing several Facebook groups, with memberships ranging from 100K to 2M members, since 2018. However, for various reasons, I became somewhat inactive for two years, which caused all the groups I managed to become inactive…

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Viral Quiz website with Facebook Instant Games

Hi Everyone, Long time no blog post. I have been busy with family things and didn’t have a chance to work on this blog. But I keep running viral sites including Facebook instant games for income purpose. We…

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Facebook Instant Games

Hi, We all are very excited and thinking to purchase Facebook Instant games as these games become very popular on Facebook. We can see OMG, LoL, Nametest Facebook instant games go viral every day. But we don’t know how…

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Any solution to overcome Facebook Ads not approved issue?

I know that nearly all of the viral website owners are facing continuous rejection from Facebook for creating Ads for the viral link. I am also facing these issue, getting disapproval for nearly all of newly created ads…

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Finally I resolved about high deduction by AdSense

If you are this blog regular reader, you may aware that I faced a huge amount of revenue deduction by AdSense two month ago. For each month, the deducted amount from my revenue is more than 45% of…

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Nametestapps is offering discount for their awesome viral website

nametestapps discount

I have been a user of Nametestapps since June 2018. Fun website built by nametestapps team is really functional and equipped with many awesome features like face swap application. At the time when I purchased, I had to…

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Facebook Update and future of viral quiz websites

Have you guys noticed about Facebook new update on Facebook Ads? It was released on 18th October. You can read a full article from Facebook here. According to these update, I think that our viral quiz website Ads…

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Are you still earning with viral quiz website?

I am asking this question to you because I was complained about declining of earning from the viral website by many viral website owners. They are not from the same country, they are from different part of the…

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How to trick Facebook Ads to get approval for Viral quiz website link

Facebook Ads not approved

Hi, I think most of the viral quiz website owners are facing continuous disapproved from Facebook for creating viral quiz Ads. I also Faced this issue since the start of August. I tried several techniques, but I couldn’t…

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Introducing my new buzzy website

Hi, I would like to introduce my newly created BuzzFeed style website. It is using buzzy script which I bougth from Codecanyon. It also has a quiz plugin and we can create viral quiz on this website. But…

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