Reviving dead Facebook group? Is it possible?

I have been managing several Facebook groups, with memberships ranging from 100K to 2M members, since 2018. However, for various reasons, I became somewhat inactive for two years, which caused all the groups I managed to become inactive and essentially “dead.”

Up until May 2024, if I created or shared a post in these groups, or if other members did, there was still a reasonable amount of engagement from the group members, although it wasn’t nearly as much as it was in the early days.

But around mid-May 2024, all of these groups suddenly became completely inactive. There was no engagement at all, and the reach of the posts dropped to zero. This happened across six different groups.

One thing I noticed before May 2024 was that the Group Status indicated some violations, all related to “false information” flagged by third-party fact-checkers. However, around May 2024, all of these violations were lifted, and my group statuses became green. Strangely, soon after that, all engagement and reach dropped to zero. It’s very puzzling.

I’ve tried everything to revive these groups. I hired members to post and share relevant content daily. I even attempted to boost one of the groups through the “Promote Group” function, but oddly enough, I only had access to this function once and then it disappeared.

Interestingly, something unexpected happened to one of my groupsβ€”the largest one I manage with over 1.9M members. This group received another policy violation for false information, as shown in the image below.

Soon after this violation occurred in the group, the engagement and reach began to increase again. You can see the details in the image below.

Do you think it is really miracle from Facebook? πŸ˜› Now I am hoping to get the same policy violation things happen to another groups. πŸ˜›

But one thing I did is I tried as much as I can to revive this group (not other 5 groups) in July and August, if you want to know how did I try, please leave a comment. I will try to respond.

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About the Author: aunghein

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