Update News: Facebook app review submission required by 2nd August 2018
If you have Facebook applications for your website, mobile app, you will surely get this notification from Facebook. You need to take action before 2nd August 2018. According to this notification, if you don’t take action before 2nd August, you will lost access to the features that mention in the notification.
As I have applications for viral website FB log in, I have to submit permission request for user_link, user_gender, and user_age range.
I have submitted user_gender permission yesterday, but I am not still clear what is user_link. My website don’t use user_age_range, so that I think I may not need to submit for user_age_range. Or may be I need to submit user_age_range and explaining that I am not using it.
It is not too difficult to submit permission request, but response from Facebook team may take time. I submitted one request last 3 weeks ago, but I still don’t get any responses.
If you want to know how to submit permission request, leave comment at this post. I will write guide on how to do it.
You have to take screen capture on how will you use the requested items. And also you have to explain step by steps in detail about how are you going to use the requested items on your website, applications.